The Wind Down: Sleep Medicine Doctor Sarah Silverman, M.D.

Morning hours: I’m someone who firmly believes that good sleep begins in the morning! I try to set the stage for sleep as soon as my day begins. Every morning, I take a walk outside with my dog, Fancy. I try to get at least 15 to 20 minutes of natural light without sunglasses to help regulate my circadian rhythm. I notice that when I keep my morning light consistent, I usually feel sleepy around the same time each night. 

8 p.m.: It’s a Tuesday night after a full day of seeing clients. I finish up my notes from the day and reply to any pressing emails. I use the computer software f.lux to filter artificial blue light, which turns on after sunset. I power down my computer after my notes are complete.

8:30 p.m.: If I don’t get a chance to exercise during the day (usually during my lunch break), I’ll fit in a low-impact workout (like Pilates or Barre), walk on the treadmill, or focus on resistance training.

9:10 p.m.: I take a warm shower, brush my teeth, wash my face, and do my nightly skin care routine. 

9:30 p.m.: I finish my daily gratitude journal entry (the 5-minute journal is broken up into day vs. night practice), which allows me to reflect on any highlights from the day. Sometimes my journal entry includes a “brain dump” for a few minutes. It really helps me get things out of my head and onto paper before I start to wind down. 

9:45 p.m.: I tidy up my space and clean the dishes after dinner while listening to music or a podcast. 

10 p.m.: I get cozy on the couch and turn on a good TV show. I put on my favorite pair of blue-light-blocking glasses.

11:45 p.m.: I practice some gentle stretches and restorative yoga poses. I focus on slowing down my breathing. Depending on how alert I feel, I may practice guided meditation. 

12:15 a.m.: I take my dog out for her last walk.

12:30 a.m.: I transition to reading a book on the couch. Right now, I’m rereading The Four Agreements. I’ve read it a million times, but I always take away something new each time. It’s a book that’s not too mentally stimulating for me before bed. 

1:40 a.m.: My eyes get heavy around this time. The wave of sleep is on its way. I try to only get into bed when I feel sleepy. 

1:50 a.m.: I turn on my white noise machine and get under the covers.

2 a.m.: This night owl is sound asleep.

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