The Wind Down With Acupuncturist Snow Zia, L.Ac.

8:30 a.m.: I walk to my office on the sunny side of the street, without wearing sunglasses. Since I rarely have a chance to leave the office during the day, this is the time to get sunlight exposure to help my body make essential melatonin and regulate my circadian rhythm.

5 p.m.: On Tuesdays, I get out of the office early, and this allows me to attend a yoga class for some movement and to quiet the mind.

7 p.m.: Walk home from yoga class and get ready for dinner. 

8 p.m.: Clean up after dinner. I try my best to not do work on my laptop and treat this as a time to relax and catch up with my partner about our days.

8:30 -10 p.m.: Watch some TV. Even though I love a good suspense/ mystery series, I have been trying to watch more light-hearted content during the last hour before bed. There were nights when I stayed up binging The Last of Us, and my nervous system got too fired up to fall asleep after the show. 

10:30 p.m.: I start my wind-down routine. I take a hot shower and spray on Alo magnesium oil on the soles of my feet. Then massage it in while applying some acupressure on Kidney 1. I will then turn down the lights, and continue to watch a little more TV, while doing a 20-minute session on my foot massager (sometimes a warm foot bath with lavender essential oil). There are so many benefits to warming and massaging the feet before bed.

11 p.m.: As part of sleep hygiene, my bedroom has black-out curtains and no major electronics (TV, computer, speakers). With heavy eyelids, I get into bed and turn off the lights, usually dozing off in about 10 minutes.

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