This Supplement Has Helped Keep My Brain Fog At Bay For 2 Years*

As a full-time novelist, I used to feel completely focused some days, and pages flew from my fingers. On other days, however, every word felt like a chore, and my wit seemed to be lost. With the good days making me feel so accomplished, and the bad days feeling like a waste, I went on a search for something that could help me make every day a good one. 

I tried many different supplements, nootropics, and a variety of different forms of caffeine, but none delivered the “magic†effect they promised, and some left me even more distracted. Too much caffeine would impact my sleep and mood, so that didn’t work either. When I mentioned my challenges to a fellow health enthusiast with a master’s degree in nutrition, she recommended I try targeted supplementation with mindbodygreen’s brain guard+. 

brain guard+ has become a staple for me over the last year. I always take it first thing in the morning, even while traveling (I pack it with me wherever I go). 

I used to only take the supplement on work days, but I like feeling sharper on weekends, too. So now I take it six or seven days a week and order a three-month supply at a time.

I love how it doesn’t hurt my sleep, how it has no weird ingredients, and how I can take it on an empty stomach without making it upset (even after a night out). Most importantly, I love having more good writing days.

Just like any supplement, it’s not a miracle pill. I still need to maintain healthy eating, exercise daily, and get enough sleep to be at my best. brain guard+ just gives me an extra edge on top of those things.*

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