This Underconsumed Nutrient Helps Prevent Falls & Fractures

Invest in a great multivitamin. The easiest way to add more vitamin K to your diet is to take a multivitamin, especially since studies have found that supplementing with vitamin K7 can help prevent chronic bone conditions as you age. Check out the best multivitamins here.

Add more leafy greens to your meals. Consuming dark leafy greens such as kale and spinach, as well as cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, has been shown to effectively help you meet your recommended vitamin K intake6. So cook those veggies and add a huge salad to your lunch. You won’t regret it!

Get your protein from a few meat sources. One study indicated that vegans were at a higher risk of fractures due to low protein, vitamin D, and vitamin K levels. If you don’t eat meat, be sure to incorporate other forms of protein into your diet and up your vitamin K supplementation.

Watch your antibiotic use. According to Harvard researchers, antibiotic medicines may destroy vitamin-K-producing bacteria in the gut. This could potentially decrease vitamin K levels, especially if you take the medicine for more than a few weeks. While antibiotics can be necessary and lifesaving, only take them as needed and follow this gut-restoring protocol after you finish a round.

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