Tune In: How Celebrity Fitness Expert Tracy Anderson Cares For Herself

Tune In: How Celebrity Fitness Expert Tracy Anderson Cares For Herself

I can’t count the number of times I’ve started a workout or gone to a workout class, and halfway through, I find my mind lost in thoughts about what I still need to get done or what tomorrow holds.

For Anderson, your time to workout is your time to declutter the mind. As she says, do what you can beforehand to make sure your mind is less likely to wander. 

“When I do my workout, I turn everything else off. I dive into my workout and that is my time to problem solve, to connect to myself, to floss inside, to get everything out,” she says. “The things that are going to worry you during a workout, make sure they’re taken care of before you start. I think that’s part of being a responsible adult. I always make sure that everything that relies on me is in place, and taken care of in a way that I can trust.” 

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