Update on postop appointment after having scar tissue removed on 6/15/2023

Brief Update

I wanted to give you all a brief update on how my postop appointment went on yesterday. I went in for an ultrasound to check the balloon that was place after my scar tissue removal. The balloon remained in place and things were looking just as they should. The doctor was very pleased with what he saw on the ultrasound. The balloon will come out in 2 weeks and I will also have a procedure called Uterine PRP the same day sometime after having the balloon removed. This process works by injecting platelet-rich plasma directly into the uterus to stimulate the existing stem cells to produce a potentially thicker endometrial lining and create a more habitable environment for the embryo. In the past having a very thing uterine lining has been one of the things that has affected my IVF cycles. Thanks for all of the thoughts and prayers. I will update you all in 2 weeks once I have attended my next appointment. Be blessed.


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