US sportscaster Erin Andrews talks about ten year ‘infertility’ battle

US sports presenter Erin Andrews and her husband, Jarret Stoll, have talked about their ten-year journey to becoming parents

The couple has announced they welcomed their son into the world via a surrogate at a healthy seven pounds, seven ounces.

But the journey to get to their miracle has been a long and arduous road.

The couple underwent several unsuccessful fertility treatment cycles before Erin was diagnosed with cervical cancer in September 2016.

In 2017, she was declared cancer free after two surgeries, but the couple continued to freeze her embryos and move ahead with IVF in case the cancer returned.

They suffered the devastating loss of twins via a surrogate two years ago, something they struggled to deal with. Still, it gave her the courage to talk publically about their infertility.

She told the US media: “For so long, I just wanted to be quiet about it, but then you look around, and these places (IVF clinics) are packed. You’re not the only one going through this. And I felt like I could be a voice, maybe just somebody people could look at – she’s going through it too – it would help the whole process for all of us.”

And after all those years of heartbreak, today, she cradles her son, Mack, in her arms. A little bundle of joy she never thought she would ever meet.

She said: “The way you think totally changes now. You’re not just doing something for yourself, but for this whole group, this whole family.”

Read more about Erin’s journey:

US sports presenter Erin Andrews undergoing seventh IVF cycle


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