Weekly Horoscope For July 3-9, 2023, From Astrologers

Mars, the planet of action, cruises through diligent Virgo for six weeks beginning July 10. This fix-it-fast, health-conscious transit encourages you to improve every area of your life, from your wellness to your living space to the people you hang with (workout buddy? friend to help you declutter?).

While you’re tidying your life, consider going more global with your efforts while Mars travels through this earth sign. Plastic Free July is a global movement you could join to challenge yourself; participation requires that you avoid single-use plastics for the entire month. (Count us in!)

Mars in healthy Virgo also helps us optimize our love lives. If that doesn’t sound sexy to you yet, consider a new dating trend called “dawn dating,” which is exactly as it sounds: going on a date in the morning! It’s gained popularity with professionals who may feel too tired to go out after work. One idea is to meet up when a coffeeshop opens. (If you’re getting coffee anyway, it seems pretty low risk!)

With love-planet Venus starting her sojourn back to “morning star” status later this month, dawn dating might be the perfect, cosmically-supported choice.

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