Weekly Horoscope For June 26-July 2, 2023, From Astrologers

Queue up your Calm app and blow the dust off your dream journal. With Neptune starting its annual retrograde, you’ll be pushed deeper into the waters of your subconscious.

The oceanic planet, which is sailing through its home sign of Pisces until March 2025, will demand extra contemplation and reflection until it corrects course on December 6. But this backspin can actually roll back the fog of denial, distraction and delusion and help you process a stuck situation for once and for all.

With the muse hovering in the background, use this time to revisit unfinished creative projects or heal another layer of emotional trauma.

While your open mind and receptive energy are great for self-discovery, they can also make you more susceptible to absorbing toxic energy or attracting untrustworthy people. Be sure to shield your field from energy vampires with an extra layer of protection, like healthy boundaries, crystals, salt baths and therapy.

Check out your personal weekly horoscope here.

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