Weekly Horoscope For June 5-11, 2023 From The AstroTwins

Venus in Leo drapes the cosmic catwalk in eye-popping colors and sexy, sequined sizzle. Colossal courtships are on Cupid’s menu—and not just for a night or two. The love planet lounges in Leo for an extra-long, four-month showcase (until October 8) instead of the usual four weeks.

The reason for this extended visit, however, might not be your favorite announcement. But here goes: From July 22 to September 3, Venus will be retrograde, a disruptive cycle that comes around every 18 months.

Brace yourself: During the backspin, Leo’s “lights, camera, action” energy could spin your personal fairy tale into a straight-up soap opera. Get ahead of the curve by working through any brewing lovers quarrels now.

Does your branding need a refresh? Competition could get fierce during the retrograde, so make sure your visuals are on-point and sending out the right message to the world. Summon design star Venus and pick your fonts, themes, palettes and overall “lewk.”

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