Why Does It Feel Like Everyone Has IBS Right Now? Experts Explain

According to Bindiya Gandhi, M.D., an integrative medicine physician and gut health expert, “Gut issues like IBS are on the rise for many reasons, including our diet, stress, and the toxins we are exposed to in our environment.”

Singh agrees, noting, “The biggest triggers are stress and diet.” That said, he adds, “There are several other triggers like lack of exercise, not sleeping well, and exposure to toxins or foods that you have sensitivities to.”  

If you’re trying to figure out if your gut issues are IBS, Singh recommends taking a look at the Rome IV diagnostic criteria, which will help you pinpoint whether what you have qualifies as IBS, as well as obtain a diagnosis from a specialist. “It’s important to get an evaluation with a gastroenterologist if you have any symptoms because some things can sound like IBS and be more concerning like celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn’s disease, to name a few.”  

If you do have IBS, the good news is that the top triggers are related to your lifestyle, so you can definitely make changes to improve IBS symptoms. According to Singh and Gandhi, the top lifestyle tips are: 

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