Why You Don’t Know What You Want & How To Figure It Out

We all have unique and personal dreams hidden away in our hearts. But more often than not, those desires get buried beneath a lifetime of external pressures, from parents or society. Obligations masquerade as goals that we think we “should” aim for, instead of what we truly want. 

For many of us, our goals are not our goals; they were handed down to us from others. Our dreams aren’t necessarily our dreams; they were passed down from the generation above, and their dreams for us became our dreams.

All the key milestones have been set out for us. Go to college, find love, begin your career, get married, buy a house, have 2.5 kids, climb the corporate ladder. We set out to check the boxes one by one until at some point (sometimes earlier on the journey, sometimes later) something doesn’t feel right. 

At some point we think, Wait, what if there’s more?

That thought is the first sign that it’s time to reconnect to our own inner voice. Taking time to listen attentively within ourselves can provide us with invaluable insight into our genuine aspirations.

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