Woman tries for 18 years to have children

A woman who has been trying for a second child for 18 years can finally say her family is complete

Kim Barratt, 40, had her first child at the tender age of 17 with her daughter, Yasmin, who is now 22 in 2000.

She was diagnosed just a year later with polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS) and doctors were astonished she had been able to fall pregnant naturally.

A while later she met her now-husband, James, 46 but they struggled to conceive due to her diagnosis.

The couple considered IVF to be the last option and tried different treatments including a laparoscopy.

She told the Maldon Standard: “I felt like IVF wouldn’t work, so I didn’t want to go through with it, but we had no other option.”

The couple started IVF treatment with TFP in Chelmsford and managed to retrieve 19 eggs.

She became pregnant but admits to being incredibly anxious.

She said: “I was so scared about losing the baby. There was a lot of fear – I was worried all the time.

“It has to be the most stressful thing I have ever done.

“It was a straightforward pregnancy apart from the worry.”

Kim gave birth to Harrison in 2019 and described his birth as ‘a magical moment’.

The couple welcomed a second son, William in 2021.

Kim said: “It is a magical experience for me now.”

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