Woman uses sperm donor to become single mother of two

A woman in her 20s has revealed she was so desperate to be a mother she used a sperm donor to have two children

Rebecca Bell, 28, became a single mother by choice in November 2021.

And her reason: after splitting from her partner, she discovered she had a low egg reserve in 2020.

Rebecca decided to go ahead and have IVF after doctors told her she had about two years left to use her own eggs to become pregnant.

She became pregnant with her son, Noah and six months after giving birth, she had her egg reserve checked again.

Doctors told her her egg reserve had dropped again.

She told the Metro, “I wasn’t shocked when I was told it had dropped again, but I was in disbelief when I was told it was now 0.7. I barely had any eggs left. I was 27 and nearly in early menopause.”

Rebecca had some sperm left over from Noah’s conception and decided to have a second child via IVF.

After treatment, she had two viable embryos. The first transfer failed, but the second was a success, and in January 2023, she became pregnant with her second child, a baby girl.

Although there is a lot of happiness, Rebecca said she has been criticised for going it alone.

She said, “I think knowing I can do this all by myself is such an empowering thing to do.

“I always wanted children, and knowing I didn’t need to find a man to do that is a great feeling.

“I love my son and my little one on the way very deeply. I would never change that.

“I don’t have to worry about looking after a boyfriend or a husband – I just have to care for my two children.”

Rebecca said that if any women were thinking about doing the same thing, they should do a lot of research.

She said, “I did a lot of research before becoming a single mother by choice(SMBC) to ensure it was the right thing for me.

“Make sure you are financially stable. I was lucky to own my own home before I started IVF.

“I love every moment of it – even the sleepless nights and the toddler tantrums.”

Did you become a single mother by choice? We’d love to hear your story; email mystory@ivfbabble.com.

Single and TTC

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