You Need Sufficient Vitamin D To Support Your Tooth & Gum Health*

Similar to bones and cartilage, teeth are mineralized organs, and minerals (specifically, calcium and phosphate) are utilized to strengthen enamel through a process called tooth mineralization. Similar to its role in supporting strong and healthy bones, vitamin D is involved in proper tooth mineralization.* The essential fat-soluble micronutrient helps the body absorb calcium and phosphate, which are vital for building and maintaining strong teeth, and aids in the regulation of enamel2 and dentin3 formation.* 

Interestingly, the relationship between vitamin D and calcium plus phosphate is a symbiotic one. While D helps with the absorption of these minerals, the vitamin D signaling pathways also require sufficient levels of calcium and phosphate in the tooth cells to promote proper mineralization of teeth4.* This fact underscores the importance of achieving nutritional sufficiency for all the essential vitamins and minerals.

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