Seeing A Dead Person Alive In Your Dreams? Here’s What It Means

In the case of a visitation dream, there’s nothing to necessarily do besides take comfort in the fact that you feel your loved one reached out to your through the dreamworld. Loewenberg says you could also write it down in a dream journal and keep it in a safe place to treasure it going forward.

In other cases, she says, “it’s definitely a call from your subconscious to try to come to terms with what’s going on.” Whether it’s a feeling of unfinished business or not being able to accept they’ve passed, it’s important to find a way to accept whatever it is.

One great practice for this, she says, is to write them a letter telling them everything you never got the chance to say when they were alive. You can also do your best to look for a lesson if you feel there were things unsaid, and “moving forward in your life, to never let things get to that point again with anyone you care about,” she adds.

“When these dream figures keep returning, it brings a sense of continuity of connection,” Ellis says, adding that toward the end of life, lost loved ones often come to help ease the life-death transition. “So while grief dreams can be painful, most often they help us through the pain of loss,” she says.

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