Woman with two uteruses has 50 million-to-one pregnancy

A woman with two uteruses has given birth to twin boys in what doctors call a 50 million-to-one pregnancy

Madeline Kaklikos was diagnosed with a rare condition called uterus didelphys in which a woman has two wombs and two cervixes, and affects less than one percent of the population.

The 24-year-old was given her diagnosis after trying for a year to have a child with her husband, Jon.

They were told that they would need to have IVF to conceive and began treatment soon after.

They had nine unsuccessful IVF cycles in one uterus, so doctors advised them to try her second.

This proved successful and at ten weeks they went for a scan where they discovered something astonishing.

Another baby was growing in the other uterus.

She said: “I thought the doctor was joking with us.

“The second baby was smaller than the first, so it was suspected that we conceived her spontaneously a week after transfer.

“Medics told me that this was one in 50 million pregnancy because Nate was in one uterus and Cole was in the other and that they had conceived in different ways, at different times.”

The pair were so shocked by the news that they did not speak for 20 minutes.

They were warned that the pregnancy could be complicated, but Madeline said it went smoothly.

She gave birth at 34 weeks in February.

Nate and Cole are now thriving.

Madeline said: “They’re both doing so well. I wish they knew how special they are.”

Female fertility explained

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