New Research Identifies Common Control Tactics In Relationships

We only just scratched the surface of the findings of this research, and if you have the time, the full study is published online and worth a poke through if you’ve ever experienced (or are currently experiencing) emotional abuse. But ultimately, these findings make one thing abundantly clear: Emotional manipulation is rampant and it’s essential to be able to spot it.

The good news is, while survivors of gaslighting relationships did report a diminished sense of self and increased guardedness after the relationship ended, some participants experienced post-traumatic growth, in which they focused on establishing healthier relationship boundaries and/or having a clearer and stronger sense of self.

The most reported activity in recovering from a gaslighting relationship was socializing, and namely, re-engaging with others and doing things that helped survivors regain their sense of self, such as creative hobbies like art or writing.

Focusing on yourself after a relationship like this is paramount, as is reconnecting with people who truly love and support you. Here’s our full guide to recovering from gaslighting, as well as how to leave an abusive relationship, to help you get started.

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