Poland’s New Parliament Debates Reversing IVF Funding Ban

Poland’s newly elected parliament has commenced discussions on reversing the ban on government funding for in vitro fertilisation (IVF) as its first legislative action. This comes after the conservative party that imposed the ban lost control of the legislature in recent elections

Members of the centrist majority view this move as symbolic, aiming to begin their term by overturning one of the bans implemented by the previous right-wing government. Agnieszka Pomaska, one of the lawmakers, described the reinstatement of IVF funding as the first decision of the democratic majority.

The exact date for the final vote on the program, which is estimated to cost around 500 million zlotys ($125 million) per year, has yet to be determined. Lawmakers emphasised that thousands of childless couples in the country, with a population of approximately 38 million, are eagerly awaiting the return of government support for IVF. State funding for IVF was initially introduced in 2013 by a liberal government led by Donald Tusk. However, it was banned in 2016 by the conservative government, citing concerns about the destruction of human embryos.

According to figures from the Health Ministry, around 22,000 children were born through the program while it was active. Since the introduction of IVF in Poland in 1987, over 100,000 children have been born through this procedure.

Earlier this year, the ruling Law and Justice party placed a citizens’ proposal seeking to reinstate government funding on hold. During the parliamentary discussion on Wednesday, many Law and Justice lawmakers left the chamber in protest. However, an aide to President Andrzej Duda, who is an ally of Law and Justice, indicated that Duda is unlikely to veto the reinstatement of state funding for IVF.

Following the victory of a coalition of pro-European Union parties in the recent general election, efforts to reverse what they perceive as restrictive laws are underway. A new coalition government led by Donald Tusk is expected to be formed in mid-December.

However, Law and Justice will have the first opportunity to form the Cabinet, as granted by President Duda.

Financing IVF

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