Walsall couple share fertility struggle in new BBC documentary

A Walsall couple hoping to have a family has featured in a new BBC documentary

Sarina and Vik Dosanjh, both 30, had wanted to have three children by the time they reached 31, but have only experienced the heartbreak of three miscarriages in the five years they have been trying to start a family.

BBC One’s Love, Faith and Me explores the couple’s journey and how it impacted their Sikh faith.

Sarina said: “Infertility in the Sikh community is still very much a taboo subject, it is very much brushed under the carpet.”

Vik said: “The Asian community is quite superstitious. If someone is struggling to have a child, it’s almost like you can’t go near them with a barge pole, they’re bad luck for you.”

Vik said he felt helpless during the covid pandemic as his wife had to attend all her appointments alone when they experienced their first miscarriage.

When they had a second miscarriage, the couple was able to grieve together.

Vik said: “Sarina has a low egg reserve and I have a low sperm count but in that you find solace; you can both solve these problems together and move forward.”

The pair said their faith has played a huge role in helping them get through the series of miscarriages and allowed them to find peace.

Sarina said: “I really struggled in the beginning with faith, I was angry at God and questioned why it was happening to us, but I trusted Vik and now believe faith is the most important thing and we have to hold onto that.”

The couple has now set up their own online support group called the Himmat Collective, it supports people from Punjabi and South Asian communities who struggle with fertility.

Sarina said: “Sharing our story helps couples to realise they are not alone and unfortunately, it is very normal.”

The episode can be viewed on BBC iplayer.

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