Transfer Date Scheduled!

Transfer Date Scheduled

Welcome back! Exciting news! We’re thrilled to share a major milestone in our transformative journey to parenthood. Our embryo transfer date is scheduled for September 27th. This marks a major milestone in our journey to parenthood with the help of our amazing surrogate. We’re so grateful for the love, support, and prayers from all of you. Your encouragement keeps us strong as we move forward with hope. With the support of empowering coaching and our incredible community, we continue to explore alternative paths to parenthood with hope and determination.

As we prepare for this next chapter, we are filled with gratitude for your thoughts and prayers. Your support in this journey means the world to us. Join our community of kindred spirits, stay tuned for further updates, and remember, your continued thoughts and prayers are deeply appreciated. Together, let’s continue to be a blessing to one another, embracing each unique story with empathy and understanding. Thank you for being part of this journey with us.


Here’s a quick recap of our journey so far: On August 12th, my husband and I selected the surrogate who will carry our little one. On August 22nd, she received the Diphereline injection, followed by starting estrogen on September 5th. At her clinic visit on September 17th, she began progesterone and we officially have an embryo transfer date set for September 27th!

If you or someone you know is struggling with infertility or needs guidance and a supportive friend to talk to, I’m here to help. Feel free to schedule a time with me through this link: Don’t hesitate to reach out—I’m here for you.



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