Jason Kennedy and Lauren Scruggs pregnant naturally after IVF

US author and fashion blogger Lauren Scruggs and her television presenter Jason Kennedy have announced they are expecting their second child

The couple married in a beautiful ceremony in her hometown of Kansas in 2014.

The pair documented their struggle to have their first child, Ryver, who arrived in April 12022.

Jason, 39, who was previously the anchor of E! Entertainment News program, told People magazine: “It’s always tough when a doctor tells you you can’t have kids naturally and you keep running into complications, but we didn’t sit and wallow in that.

“We were really blessed to meet with some amazing doctors and specialists.”

They did not think they could conceive naturally, so to say they were shocked is an understatement.

Lauren, who announced the news on his socials, said: “This was a major surprise and the sweetest plot twist — I cannot wait to watch little Ryver be a big brother.”

In a montage of images and videos, the pair can be heard telling one-year-old, Ryver that he is going to be a big brother and how excited they are for him.

The birth of Ryver was also particularly traumatic for Lauren after a lengthy labour and a vacuum-assisted birth, she suffered a fourth-degree vaginal tear.

The pair regularly post images of the family on trips and days at home.

Lauren was seriously injured in a small aircraft incident that resulted in her losing her left arm below the elbow, a broken collar bone, and serious head and eye injuries.

She has since set up a foundation that raises money to help girls and young women gain access to silicone prostheses to help with healing.

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